Friday, March 11, 2011

The End of My Journey

December 5, 1926, was a very tragic day. It happened to be the day I died from lung cancer. After 86 years of breathing and living the end finally caught up to me and I was buried in the Giverny church cemetery. Before my death I was blind, but I had gone through an operation from the cataract in one eye and my sight was improved where I began gaining some of my vision back. I was relieved to know that I could see once again after 16 long years of having trouble with my eyesight. When I was alive I had asked that my death was not to be a major event, I wanted the ceremony to be plain and simple. I only wanted about 50 of the closest people in my life, such as my family and a couple of friends. My life had been pretty miserable as I had tried to commit suicide once before. I just could not pull myself to do it. I was just too scared although my whole life had been filled with death of either my loving family or the death of some of my closest friends. Eventually my home, garden and water lily pond was given to my dear son Michel. He was my only heir to the French Academy of Fine Arts in 1966. In my house I remembered that I had collected a bunch of Japanese woodcut prints. It was kind of a hobby of mines. Since I died my house has been a major tour site all over the world for Giverny.

1 comment:

  1. What a sad sad day for our already tragic world...
    We have lost yet another great individual to cancer. I swear, we must find a cure for all of these body-ravaging diseases. I totally would, but I have my plate full with all of my great reforms and plans.
    It is such a shame that right when you regained your treasured eyesight, you had to pass away.
    Furthermore, your request for your funeral to be a quiet and simple one is a great testament to what a great understated man you are. You truly understand the beauty in the simplicity of all the material things in the world. Kudos to you, but I must admit, I do not think I can live without all of my technological tools.
    One last thing, you mentioned that your house has been a major tour site. Would you mind if I buy it to make it my vacation house? It does seem quite spacious. Thank you!
